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Donnelly, Mark (Personal Name)

Preferred form: Donnelly, Mark

958--Confid. info.: Phone call to publsr. of Search heaven and hell, 3/21/88 (author's real name is Jesse Clark)

[Co-author of Botany of San Diego]

Malcolm A. Love Library. Sciences and Engineering Library. Botany of San Diego, 1974: t.p. (Mark Donnelly)

Phone call to Love Library, 3/24/88 (Mark Donnelly; former graduate student; no more info.)

[Author of Search heaven and hell]

His Search heaven and hell, 1987: t.p. (Mark Donnelly) p. 3 (pseudo.)

[Author of The overreaction hypothesis]

The overreaction hypothesis, 1999: t.p. (Mark Donnelly) BL AL sent 23 Jul. 2001

Author bibliographies master index, 2nd ed., c1984; Biography and genealogy master index, 2nd ed., c1985; 1981-85 cummulation