Authority search results

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Authority search results
Authorized headings Type of heading Records
Topical Term:
Bookbinding Repairing
used for/see from:
Book repairing
Books Repairing
see also:
Details Topical Term 0 records
Topical Term:
Clocks and watches Repairing
used for/see from:
Clock repairing
Clocks and watches Maintenance and repair
Clocks and watches Repairing and adjusting (Earlier heading)
Watch repairing
Details Topical Term 4 records
Topical Term:
Furniture Repairing
used for/see from:
Furniture Conservation and restoration
see also:
Furniture making (Broader heading)
Details Topical Term 9 records
Topical Term:
Radio Repairing
used for/see from:
Radio servicing
Details Topical Term 2 records
Topical Term:
Television Repairing
Details Topical Term 1 record