Authority search results

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Results 1 to 20 of 26

Authority search results
Authorized headings Type of heading Records
Topical Term:
Architecture and recreation
used for/see from:
Architecture and leisure
Leisure and architecture
see also:
Recreation (Broader heading)
Details Topical Term 1 record
Topical Term:
Farms Recreational use
Details Topical Term 0 records
Topical Term:
Forest reserves Recreational use
used for/see from:
Forest recreation
Details Topical Term 2 records
Personal Names:
Kraus’ recreation and leisure in modern society, 2022:
Details Personal Name 0 records
Topical Term:
Mathematical recreations
used for/see from:
Mathematical puzzles
Number games
Recreational mathematics
Recreations, Mathematical
see also:
Puzzles (Broader heading)
Scientific recreations (Broader heading)
Details Topical Term 3 records
Topical Term:
Outdoor recreation
see also:
Recreation (Broader heading)
Details Topical Term 17 records
Topical Term:
Outdoor recreation Environmental aspects
Details Topical Term 3 records
Topical Term:
Outdoor recreation for children
used for/see from:
Children Recreation
see also:
Children (Broader heading)
Details Topical Term 9 records
Topical Term:
Outdoor recreation for women
see also:
Women Recreation (Broader heading)
Details Topical Term 2 records
Topical Term:
Outdoor recreation Safety measures
Details Topical Term 1 record
Topical Term:
People with disabilities Recreation
Details Topical Term 1 record
Topical Term:
Psychological recreations
used for/see from:
Recreations, Psychological
see also:
Amusements (Broader heading)
Puzzles (Broader heading)
Scientific recreations (Broader heading)
Details Topical Term 1 record
Topical Term:
see also:
Manners and customs (Broader heading)
Details Topical Term 10 records
Topical Term:
Recreation areas
used for/see from:
Outdoor recreation areas
Recreational areas
see also:
Open spaces (Broader heading)
Sports facilities (Broader heading)
Details Topical Term 1 record
Topical Term:
Recreation areas Access
used for/see from:
Access to recreation areas
Recreation area access
Transportation to recreation areas
Details Topical Term 0 records
Topical Term:
Recreation areas Maintenance
see also:
Grounds maintenance (Broader heading)
Details Topical Term 1 record
Topical Term:
Recreation areas Public use
used for/see from:
Public use of recreation areas
Recreation area use
Recreation area utilization
Recreation areas Utilization
Recreation areas Visitors (Earlier heading)
Use of recreation areas by the public
Utilization, Recreation area
Details Topical Term 0 records
Topical Term:
Recreation centers
used for/see from:
Canteens (Recreation centers)
see also:
Community centers (Broader heading)
Details Topical Term 0 records
Topical Term:
Recreation leadership
used for/see from:
Recreational leadership
see also:
Leadership (Broader heading)
Details Topical Term 11 records
Topical Term:
Recreation Management
used for/see from:
Recreation Administration (Earlier heading)
Details Topical Term 5 records
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