Authority search results

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Results 1 to 20 of 49

Authority search results
Authorized headings Type of heading Records
Topical Term:
Architectural drawing
used for/see from:
Drawing, Architectural
see also:
Architectural design (Broader heading)
Drawing (Broader heading)
Mechanical drawing (Broader heading)
Details Topical Term 27 records
Topical Term:
Architectural drawing 20th century
Details Topical Term 0 records
Topical Term:
Architecture Designs and plans Presentation drawings
used for/see from:
Architectural presentation drawings
Presentation drawings, Architectural
Details Topical Term 1 record
Topical Term:
Architecture Designs and plans Working drawings
used for/see from:
Architectural working drawings
Working drawings, Architectural
see also:
Details Topical Term 0 records
Personal Names:
Beranger, Gabriel, ca. 1729-1817. Collection of drawings of the principal antique buildings of Ireland. Vol. 2. Selections
used for/see from:
Beranger, Gabriel, ca. 1729-1817. Beranger's views of Ireland
Details Personal Name 0 records
Topical Term:
Charcoal drawing
used for/see from:
Fusain (Art)
see also:
Drawing (Broader heading)
Details Topical Term 0 records
Topical Term:
Composite drawing
see also:
Drawing (Broader heading)
Details Topical Term 0 records
Topical Term:
Computer drawing
see also:
Drawing (Broader heading)
Details Topical Term 7 records
Topical Term:
used for/see from:
Drawings (Earlier heading)
see also:
Art (Broader heading)
Graphic arts (Broader heading)
Illustration of books (Broader heading)
Manual training (Broader heading)
Perspective (Broader heading)
Details Topical Term 35 records
Topical Term:
used for/see from:
see also:
Details Topical Term 3 records
Topical Term:
used for/see from:
see also:
Details Topical Term 0 records
Topical Term:
Drawing 17th century
Details Topical Term 0 records
Topical Term:
Drawing 18th century
Details Topical Term 0 records
Topical Term:
Drawing 19th century
Details Topical Term 2 records
Topical Term:
Drawing 20th century
Details Topical Term 11 records
Topical Term:
Drawing, British
used for/see from:
British drawing
Details Topical Term 3 records
Topical Term:
Drawing, Dutch
used for/see from:
Dutch drawing
Details Topical Term 3 records
Topical Term:
Drawing, Egyptian
used for/see from:
Egyptian drawing
Details Topical Term 1 record
Topical Term:
Drawing, English
used for/see from:
English drawing
Details Topical Term 0 records
Topical Term:
Drawing, European
used for/see from:
European drawing
Details Topical Term 1 record
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